
Enterprise Email Security Best Practices

Enterprise Email Security Best Practices

Every year or so, it seems there's a headline along the lines that email is dying out. The reality is quite the opposite. Sure, email is used differently than ten or even five years ago, but email will continue to be used as a tool for communicating. With emails' continued use, we'll need to stay vigilant against spam, email spoofing, phishing attacks, and other security risks. Email security threats are on the rise, and one breach can have devastating consequences for companies, large and small. We'll look at the best practices for enterprise email security to keep your business and…
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Whale Phishing Explained: Protect Your Business from Targeted Attacks

Whale Phishing Explained: Protect Your Business from Targeted Attacks

In today's digital age, cybercriminals are constantly sharpening their arsenal of weapons and looking for new ways to get a foot in the door. From self-employed entrepreneurs to CEOs of large businesses, retirees, and even children, no one group is exempt from a cyber-attack. One such high-stakes cyber-attack is known as "whale phishing" and is used to steal company information. In this blog post, we'll learn more about whale phishing, diving into its meaning, how these attacks are carried out, and the steps that can be taken to prevent and stop them. What is Whale Phishing? Whale phishing, also known…
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How to Identify Phishing Emails (+ Avoid the Fake Boss Email Scam!)

How to Identify Phishing Emails (+ Avoid the Fake Boss Email Scam!)

Phishing emails may seem more like a nuisance, which they are, but they can be a security threat both professionally and personally. Do you know how to recognize a phishing email? Many times these sneaky emails can trick employees into handing over passwords, sensitive data, and even financial information. You may have seen a phishing email called the fake boss email scam. Today we'll dive into how to identify phishing emails in general and look more into the fake boss email scam and how to protect yourself and your business from falling victim to phishing emails and cyber crooks. Common…
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What Helps Protect from Spear Phishing?

What Helps Protect from Spear Phishing?

Spear phishing attacks have risen in recent years, with cybercriminals using sophisticated tools and techniques to deceive employees and businesses into turning over sensitive company and personal information. Protecting against spear phishing attacks is crucial for businesses of all sizes, as the consequences of a successful attack can be severe. In this blog post, we will explore what spear phishing is, how it works, and tips businesses can use to protect themselves against it. What is Spear Phishing? Spear phishing is a directed form of phishing attack where the attacker sends a personalized email to the victim, appearing as someone…
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How to Prevent Ransomware

How to Prevent Ransomware

While cyber security is an important thing for everyone to understand, it’s even more important for businesses and large organizations with greater amounts of personal, financial, and business data at their disposal. As one of these cybersecurity threats, ransomware continues to plague businesses all over the globe, leading them to question how to prevent ransomware and to determine what are the best ways to deal with it if it does happen. In this article, we’ll be answering these questions, giving businesses the best insight into ransomware and how to best protect your business from cyber threats. What is Ransomware? Ransomware…
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How to Protect Your Email Domain With DMARC, DKIM, and SPF

How to Protect Your Email Domain With DMARC, DKIM, and SPF

Protecting your email domain with the right protocols will ensure that your messages are properly authenticated. This helps to improve email deliverability, reduce email spam, and help to stop email domain spoofing and phishing.  The DMARC, DKIM, and SPF protocols work together to authenticate your emails, keep your inbox secure, and protect your business reputation.  How Email Spoofing and Phishing Can Harm Your Business Spoofing and phishing are two very common forms of cyberattacks that can be very damaging to your business.  When receiving an email from a known sender or business, you’re more likely to open it and engage…
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Why Do Most Cyberattacks Begin with an Email?

Why Do Most Cyberattacks Begin with an Email?

Email scamming has become a $12,000,000,000 industry over the last few years, and this number continues to grow yearly. These are serious crimes, and individuals fall for these scams every second. You will receive an email that appears to be from a legitimate company such as Amazon, American Express, Norton, etc. The email will ask you to sign in to your account, and the login screen will resemble the company's login page. Once signed in, the scammers then scan your emails for login information, bank account information, credit card information, account logins, and other personal information. Why Do Most Cyberattacks…
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How To Secure Your Exchange Email Server with MXGuardian

How To Secure Your Exchange Email Server with MXGuardian

Microsoft Exchange Server is one of the most widely used email server applications for businesses. However, this type of email server is very vulnerable to attacks. In recent years, there have been many Exchange server attacks that have compromised the email accounts of all kinds of businesses.  If you’re currently using Microsoft Exchange servers to power your business, then you need to take steps to make sure your email server is secure.  Why Are Microsoft Exchange Servers Vulnerable?  In early 2021 the Microsoft Exchange servers were exploited by hackers using a zero-day vulnerability to access sensitive email information. A zero-day…
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What You Need to Know so you are Protecting Your Business from Ransomware

What You Need to Know so you are Protecting Your Business from Ransomware

Ransomware is one of the biggest threats to your business online. It’s a type of malware that uses encryption to hold your precious data and information at ransom. Learn what to do so you are protecting your business from ransomware. It’s often designed to spread throughout your entire network, servers, and databases, so it can take down your entire organization. The threat of ransomware continues to spread, costing businesses billions of dollars every single year.  What is Ransomware? Ransomware is a form of cybercrime that uses malicious software to infect a computer and restrict access until a ransom is paid…
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Demystifying Phishing Attacks: How to Protect Yourself Now

Demystifying Phishing Attacks: How to Protect Yourself Now

Phishing attacks are easily the most common type of email attack. Cybercriminals use phishing to trick individuals or employees into giving up login credentials, account information, or personal information to help them accomplish their mission. Phishing attacks are popular with the criminal element for a reason—they work. These malicious emails can be pretty convincing, mimicking legitimate companies or colleagues, leading to lost revenue, negative brand image, and in extreme circumstances, forcing companies to cease operations altogether. What is Phishing? Phishing is a type of cybercrime perpetrated through email. The email format itself can take on many guises. The objective could…
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