Email Security in the Age of Remote Work

Email Security in the Age of Remote Work

The shift to remote work has revolutionized how businesses operate, offering flexibility and convenience to employees worldwide. However, this transformation has also introduced new challenges, particularly in maintaining robust email security. As organizations adapt to a decentralized work environment, understanding and addressing these challenges is crucial to protecting sensitive information and preventing cyber threats. The Changing Landscape of Email Security Remote work has expanded the attack surface for cybercriminals. With employees accessing corporate networks from various locations and devices, the traditional security perimeter has dissolved. This shift necessitates a re-evaluation of email security strategies to ensure they are equipped to…
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Is Artificial Intelligence a Game Changer for Cyber Crime Prevention?

Is Artificial Intelligence a Game Changer for Cyber Crime Prevention?

Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Crime Prevention The growth and development of technology as it relates to cybersecurity is constantly evolving, with new software and digital strategies continually being developed in order to better prevent businesses and personal technology against cybercrime. But, what about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Within the last decade – even in the last two years, AI and machine learning have taken over the internet, delivering unquestionable results for industries like marketing, healthcare, design, and customer service, however, what role does it play in cybercrime prevention? Well, in this blog, the experts at MXGuardian have created a guide to…
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Top Enterprise Email Security Risks in 2024

Top Enterprise Email Security Risks in 2024

Every year, email security risks for businesses continue to rise. The reliance on email and email risk has grown with the changing work culture and the shift to work-from-home being the norm. Although multiple methods of cybercrime can affect businesses, email remains one of the most easily exploitable. These are some of the biggest email security risks you’ll need to be aware of to protect your business in 2024 and into the future. In this article, we will cover this year's biggest email security risks and provide you with vital information on how to stay safe and secure online. We…
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Homograph Attacks Explained

Homograph Attacks Explained

Cybercriminals are constantly pushing the boundaries of our computer systems and networks. They are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities and ways to exploit them for their gain and our loss. The homograph attacks represent a significant challenge that blurs the lines between authenticity and deception. In this blog, we will dissect the anatomy of these attacks, unravel their mechanisms, and give you actionable strategies to strengthen your business and personal online life against this insidious threat. What is a Homograph Attack? Known by various names, including IDN homograph attacks, homoglyph attacks, or Punycode attacks, these sophisticated tactics exploit our…
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What is a Secure Email Gateway?

What is a Secure Email Gateway?

Businesses face many threats to their online cyber security, which is why advanced email filtering and anti-spam technology are now essential. Preventing not only familiar threats but also preparing for unknown threats requires using advanced machine-learning and heuristics technology to detect all threats to email security. An enterprise email security gateway is often a primary line of defense for businesses that want to avoid unfamiliar threats. Enterprise email security is software that supports email security by monitoring emails sent and received for suspicious and malicious activity. How Does a Secure Email Gateway Work? A Secure Email Gateway (SEG) functions as…
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Is Artificial Intelligence a Game Changer for Cyber Crime Prevention?

Is Artificial Intelligence a Game Changer for Cyber Crime Prevention?

Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Crime Prevention The growth and development of technology as it relates to cybersecurity is constantly evolving, with new software and digital strategies continually being developed in order to better prevent businesses and personal technology against cybercrime. But, what about Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Within the last decade – even in the last two years, AI and machine learning have taken over the internet, delivering unquestionable results for industries like marketing, healthcare, design, and customer service, however, what role does it play in cybercrime prevention? Well, in this blog, the experts at MXGuardian have created a guide to…
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Understanding Business Email Compromise: A Threat to Your Email Security

Understanding Business Email Compromise: A Threat to Your Email Security

One thing is certain that cyber threats are constantly evolving. A threat you may not be aware of is called Business Email Compromise (BEC). BEC attacks are proving to be costly and damaging for companies around the globe. In this blog post, we dive into what Business Email Compromise is, and companies that may be targets and discuss how to prevent BEC. What Businesses Are Targets of BEC? Business Email Compromise, or BEC, is a scam that targets businesses that conduct legitimate wire transfers (transfer of funds requests). Typically, this would include banks and other financial type institutions. However, BEC…
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Enterprise Email Security Best Practices

Enterprise Email Security Best Practices

Every year or so, it seems there's a headline along the lines that email is dying out. The reality is quite the opposite. Sure, email is used differently than ten or even five years ago, but email will continue to be used as a tool for communicating. With emails' continued use, we'll need to stay vigilant against spam, email spoofing, phishing attacks, and other security risks. Email security threats are on the rise, and one breach can have devastating consequences for companies, large and small. We'll look at the best practices for enterprise email security to keep your business and…
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Whale Phishing Explained: Protect Your Business from Targeted Attacks

Whale Phishing Explained: Protect Your Business from Targeted Attacks

In today's digital age, cybercriminals are constantly sharpening their arsenal of weapons and looking for new ways to get a foot in the door. From self-employed entrepreneurs to CEOs of large businesses, retirees, and even children, no one group is exempt from a cyber-attack. One such high-stakes cyber-attack is known as "whale phishing" and is used to steal company information. In this blog post, we'll learn more about whale phishing, diving into its meaning, how these attacks are carried out, and the steps that can be taken to prevent and stop them. What is Whale Phishing? Whale phishing, also known…
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How to Identify Phishing Emails (+ Avoid the Fake Boss Email Scam!)

How to Identify Phishing Emails (+ Avoid the Fake Boss Email Scam!)

Phishing emails may seem more like a nuisance, which they are, but they can be a security threat both professionally and personally. Do you know how to recognize a phishing email? Many times these sneaky emails can trick employees into handing over passwords, sensitive data, and even financial information. You may have seen a phishing email called the fake boss email scam. Today we'll dive into how to identify phishing emails in general and look more into the fake boss email scam and how to protect yourself and your business from falling victim to phishing emails and cyber crooks. Common…
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